Wellbeing requires a sound metabolism, and food matched to it
The concept of heat in our body is central to understanding the ayurvedic view of health and disease. That heat is the function of pitta, and its role in metabolism, is generally termed as agni.
Primarily, heat and metabolism begin from the digestion of the food we eat. This takes place first in our digestive system. That is where all energy generation begins after all.
From there, the next steps of transformation of the processed food takes place in other organs and in all our cells. That is our metabolism as a whole, proceeding throughout our body.
This heat is also responsible for all types of transformation in our body: the energy required for all change arises from the heat of metabolism. Of course, as an offshoot, our body temperature is regulated by this inner production of heat.
There is also a connection between agni and our skin. When our metabolism is good from deep within, we see the luster of the skin on the body surface too. When we say that someone is “radiant with good health,” we are making this connection naturally.
Ayurveda also proposes a link between heat and vision: just a light in the outside world is associated with heat, so is our sense of vision inside of us. When our metabolism is good, there is sharpness in our gaze and in our eyes.
Finally, we should not forget that the body and mind are deeply connected. Our mental state is also closely connected with our agni. When our digestion and metabolism are not working well, our mind is sluggish and fogged. Conversely, when digestion and metabolism are clear and effective, so is our mind.
To keep our body and mind well, we must tend to our agni—the metabolism within us. Ayurveda offers us wise guidance to do this well.